Jesus commanded us ALL to go into the world and teach - but NEVER to go unarmed.
Ephesians 6 instructs us to put on the whole armor of God. The Armor Room is designed to equip women to be fearless, godly leaders who boldly share the gospel of the Kingdom with hurting, lost people and shine a light on who God is, who we are in Him, and what He has made available to us through Jesus Christ.
Armor Room Meetings
Women Only
Join me each month on Zoom as I host a women’s leadership meeting! There is no cost, no age requirement, and it is not based on any particular study, denomination, or way of doing things. It is simply a space for us to learn from each other.
The only prerequisite is an understanding that, as Christians, we believe there is one God represented in three distinct persons: God, the Father; His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; and the Holy Spirit of God who indwells everyone who invites Jesus into their heart.
Armor Room meetings are two-hour, intimate discussions that will equip you to confidently host Bible studies in your local community.
First Hour
This hour is structured with prayer, Bible study, and topical discussions on leadership development.Second Hour
This is a time to share questions, challenges, and successes about leading within your community. It’s an opportunity to get to know each other, find mentorship, and exhort and encourage one another.
Calls take place at 8:00 AM EST on the first Saturday of every month. Use the link below to register for the first time. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to use the same link for all subsequent meetings.
Let’s armor up and stand!
Armor Room
Online Community
Coming Soon