My Voice
Baby Girl,
Close your eyes. Now imagine yourself saying your name. Baby, THAT is what I sound like when I speak TO YOU. You’ve been telling people this for years now and it’s true. Then, all of the sudden, I start talking to you in letter form and you wanna dramatize it by having your friend from church ”play the role” of God.
Just like a Hollywood director, you typecast your friend because of his gentle, kind, soothing, deep voice. Take a minute to consider why this is what you wish I sound like.
Ah, there it is. You never imagined Me to be gentle, kind, OR soothing with My children. You spent the past 39 years obeying Me out of fear - and not the Biblical meaning or “the fear of God.” You obeyed Me the way you obeyed your dad when he said, “You’d better practice your piano before I get home.”
You were torn between two things you hated. You HATED playing the piano and you hated your dad being mad when he got home from work because you didn’t practice the piano.
When you obeyed your dad out of fear, you did exactly what he asked of you and nothing more. You practiced from a place of resentment in your soul so the joy of learning had no room to grow.
When you do anything from a resentful or obligated place, the part of your mind that was created to unfold and capture new experiences gets locked up for lack of a better word. You practiced every day and you never got better because you didn’t want to. You didn’t want to enjoy the piano because you didn’t want to give your dad the satisfaction of the, ”I knew you’d like it!”
You robbed YOURSELF.
You robbed yourself of a gift your dad offered you because of the sound of his voice. You heard a black and white command from a drill sergeant: “You WILL do this. You WILL like it. END. OF. DISCUSSION.” Whenever you tried to discuss it, you were shut down. “As long as you are in MY house, you will live under MY rules. End of story.”
You have said hundreds of times over the years when discussions of longing for the simplicity of being a child again comes up, that you would NEVER want to be a child again. You would NEVER exchange the autonomy you have for the lack of responsibility a child has. There is great freedom in living as a child under the watchful eye of a parent who has your best interest at heart.
A perfect parent would spare no expense to meet your every need and would not spare their own life if it could save yours. A PERFECT parent, though extravagantly generous with time and resources, would fail their child without being equally generous with boundaries and consequences. Boundaries are the guardrails that keep us from running our lives off the road.
You wanted your friend to “play My part” in your video because now that you are beginning to know My heart, you are hearing what I say differently. I’m still asking you to “practice the piano,” but now you RUN to the “piano” when you wake up in the morning. You’ve hired your own “piano teacher” and you’re studying the lessons she suggests.
You’re encouraging friends to sit down at the keyboard and are even introducing strangers to the craft. “Playing the piano” has become the greatest passion in your life. When you’re not playing, you’re meditating or thinking about playing. Your conversations naturally roll back around to the “piano” and when you play, your passion shows.
What you once did poorly from a place of obligation you are now doing masterfully, and what the world would say was an incredible amount of effort, you experience as an effortless desire.
There are very few concert pianists in the world because very few people have the passion required to invest a lifetime in becoming one.
I’m glad you are sharing these talks we have, but PLEASE don’t mislead others to listen for a voice that is not Mine. The voice you are hearing right now, not another soul on earth will hear when I speak to them because I will speak directly to them through THEIR SPIRIT which will sound like THEIR VOICE. Keep learning. Keep teaching. I’m proud of you.
John 10:4