Spiritual Battle
Ephesians 6:10-11
Baby Girl,
You are fully equipped, and they are coming for you! It’s time to SUIT UP and SHOW UP.
Put on ALL the armor I’ve provided you. STAND firm and don’t be rattled! WHEN, not IF, you grow weary, DON’T SIT DOWN, the victory is ours!
Keep the belt of truth buckled around your waist. You and I are the only two who will truly know your heart and intentions and, at times, that will NEED to be enough. When whispers and rumors and outright attacks on your character come, DON’T SIT DOWN. Expect them.
Keep the breastplate of righteousness in place. Do not allow yourself to fall into the mold that the world has created and thus compromise your testimony. When following Me and doing what is right, instead of what is easy, becomes too much, DON’T SIT DOWN. I am right beside you whispering, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.”
Keep your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Where I am, there IS peace, even when you are under attack. I came that you would have peace and serenity. If you lose that, cry out to Me and you’ll find that I never left your side. DON’T SIT DOWN.
Keep that shield of faith engaged so you can extinguish the flaming arrows of the enemy. He will use My Words to curse you. He will use My Words to confuse you. DON’T SIT DOWN and don’t back down. You have taken My very being on faith, and you have experienced My peace as a result. When he uses My Words to confuse you, dig deeper and call out the truth. Speak it as clearly as he is speaking it to you.
Keep the helmet of salvation firmly in place. If you sit down, you may be tempted to take it off. DON’T SIT DOWN. Don’t think about tomorrow and don’t worry about eternity. My salvation is here, it’s now. My salvation is from everything that wants to come against you.
Keep the sword of the Spirit which is My Word out where the enemy can see it. Remember that the sword of the Spirit can fight the enemy, but ONLY the shield of faith can protect you from his blows. Without your weapon, you don’t stand a chance. DON’T LAY IT DOWN. Engage with My Word, soak it in like a sponge until we meet face to face. Without My Word, you won’t hear Me clearly.
Pray. Rely on My Spirit to intercede with your prayers and requests, but DON’T CARRY THEM. They aren’t yours. When you pray, lay it at the foot of the cross, dust your hands and walk away. How can you carry the sword and the shield if your hands are full of burdens? They are Mine. If you realize you have taken them back, bring them back quickly, pick up your shield, and stand. DON’T SIT DOWN.
Be alert. Keep praying for all My people. Pray for your brothers and sisters on the front line with you. When you see someone caught in chains, hold the bolt cutters I gave you to the chains and call on Me. I can finish the job. Whatever you do, DON’T SIT DOWN. If you sit down, you’ll be consumed. You ARE outnumbered but the enemy is ill-prepared because I STAND WITH YOU.
As far as the enemy is concerned, he is not what you’ve always imagined. Just as you can’t physically see Me, you can’t physically see him. If you could, that would make him vulnerable. He is NOT showing up as people. People are NOT your enemy. People are NOT MY enemy. People are My creation, made in My image, and DEARLY loved. The ENEMY has turned people against each other. I am sending YOU to bring peace, hope, unity, and, above all else, LOVE. LOVE is the only thing that brings light to the darkness, and the darkness CANNOT overcome the light.
I LOVE you with an everlasting love,
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